Upgrade/downgrade my membership account
Change Membership Plan
As a member, you have the option of UPGRADING or DOWNGRADING your plan, and/or switching from MONTHLY to ANNUAL, or ANNUAL to MONTHLY.
To learn more about membership benefits, CLICK HERE
To Change your Membership Plan:
- Sign In to TYT.com
- Click on your PROFILE PHOTO in the upper right corner
- Select SETTINGS > PLUS MEMBERSHIPS. Your current membership plan will display here.
- Select your preferred new MEMBERSHIP PLAN
- Select CHANGE MY BENEFITS to continue.
- Select YES, PROCEED WITH CHANGE to confirm.
What happens with my billing when I switch membership plans?
If you're switching from TYT Activist to TYT Insider:
You will have a credit balance (a pro-rated amount based on the unused portion of your Insider membership plan).
This credit will be applied toward future membership payments.

We will not issue cash rebates.
If you're upgrading from TYT Insider to TYT Activist:
We will bill you for a pro-rated amount. You'll receive credit for the used portion of your Insider plan. This credit will be applied toward payment on your new Activist plan.