What is a Sponsorship?

Sponsorships are a way for you to purchase TYT memberships in bulk and distribute them to whomever you want, whenever you want. See our Sponsorship Toolkit for ideas on distributing TYT memberships.


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What's the difference between buying a "gift" and buying a "sponsorship"?

There are a couple of differences but both are buying TYT membership(s) for other people. Gifting is typically done when you have specific people in mind whom you want to have a TYT membership. Sponsorships are a way to support TYT by buying memberships in bulk and distributing them to people or organizations you may or may not know well.

Can I buy different levels of sponsorships at once?

Absolutely! You can mix and match any way you want and each type of sponsorship will have its own unique URL and redemption code.

How is my sponsorship redeemed?

When you purchase a sponsorship, you’ll be provided with two different methods for getting it distributed and redeemed:

  1. A unique redemption URL. Using this method, all your recipients need to do is click through your sponsorship URL and register an account with TYT to start accessing their membership.
  2. A unique redemption code. Using this method, your sponsorship recipients would click through a “Redeem a Sponsorship” link at the bottom of any page on tyt.com, enter their redemption code and register.

In either case, TYT will honor every redemption that we receive on your unique URL or code, up to the number of memberships you have purchased. Visitors attempting to redeem your sponsorship after all membership spots have been claimed will be told the sponsorship has reached its limit and to purchase their own membership.

Can I cancel the sponsorship I've purchased? How?

You can only cancel annually renewing sponsorships. Fixed memberships (12 month one-time purchases) cannot be canceled. You can cancel sponsorships under your account. For detailed instructions, click here. If you have any trouble, you can reach out to us at support@tytnetwork.com. 

What happens when I cancel my sponsorship?

You will receive a sponsorship cancellation confirmation email, and your sponsorship status will change to “Canceled” on your account page. Your sponsorship recipients will likewise receive an email informing them that the sponsorship has been cancelled and their membership privileges will be revoked on [date], along with a link to purchase their own membership.

When is my credit card charged?

Your credit card will be charged as soon as you purchase your subscriptions -- even if they’re never redeemed. The full purchase price for fixed-duration gift subscriptions will be charged at the time of purchase and is nonrefundable. If you’re buying a recurring annual sponsorship, your card will be charged on the same date yearly until canceled.

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