How do I download content within the TYT app?

Downloading Content

  1. Login to the TYT App
  2. Select a VIDEO or PODCAST to download
  3. Tap the DOWNLOAD ICON below the video screen or podcast player

  4. Tap your preferred DOWNLOAD TYPE from the download menu
  5. Download progress will display in the download menu

  1. When the download is complete, the download menu will display DOWNLOADED

Watching and Listening to Downloaded Content

  1. Login to the TYT App
  2. Tap on your PROFILE ICON in the upper right corner
  3. Tap DOWNLOADS from the menu

  1. Downloaded PODCASTS and VIDEOS will appear with labels to indicate the content type.
  2. Tap PLAY on the downloaded content and enjoy!

NOTE: Make sure you are consuming downloaded content from the Download tab to ensure you do not use up your data when you are not on wireless.

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